Virtual activities

    Strategic Communication to Counter Security Threats in the Disinformation Era

    Sign up to enrollment!!


    These online learning activities aim to increase the key knowledge and competences of institutional spokespersons and journalists (including young professionals in journalism and related disciplines/areas) in the field of security and defense and in relation to strategic communication and news reporting on security threats.

    Sign up for one of our three editions

    1. C2- 07-11 June, 2021
    2. C3 – 14-18 June, 2021
    3. C4 – 21-25 June, 2021.

    What am I going to learn?

    • Understand the 21st security threat landscape and the role of the cyber/information as security dimension.
    • Analyze the key concepts related to the communication processes: disinformation, misinformation, propaganda, covert influencing, digital active measures, strategic communication, and hybrid threats.
    • Acquire competencies and analytic tools in order to evaluate information sources and contents, and critically address the consumption of information in traditional media and social media channels.
    • Plan strategic communication campaigns with a particular focus on tackling security threats.
    • Understand the importance of sound and responsible journalist practices, and of bridging the gap between media professionals and institutional strategic communicators in case of security threats, for addressing the challenge of fakes news and deliberate disinformation activities.

    When are the virtual activities?

    The virtual activities will be held in June.

    You can join one of these editions:

    • Romania – 07-11 June, 2021
    • Spain –  14-18 June, 2021
    • Greece – 21-25 June, 2021.

    What is the methodology?

    The learning activities will be followed by videoconference (Meet) through the access offered by the organizers to enrolled learners.

    The duration of the learning activity is 5 days with the following structure:

    1. First day: Class sessions by videoconference.
    2. Second day: Applied exercises in breakout sessions and Q&A, debate, wrap up and conclusions.
    3. Third, fourth and fifth day: Spotlight events – keynote speaker session (recorded, to be viewed at your own convenience)

    Special BONUS: Once registered, you will be granted access to the OER (Open Educational Resources) developed in the project.

    What do I need to know before starting?

    Previous knowledge of communication studies (disinformation, propaganda, media literacy, and fake news) just as in the field of security/ law enforcement is recommended to take advantage of the course.
    However, the learning activities can be followed by anyone with an interest in the subject of strategic communication.
    The learning activities are specifically designed for institutional spokespersons, learners in communication and journalism and young journalists and opinion leaders that take part in accredited media communication flows during major security events.

    What certification will I get?

    The participants will receive a Participating diploma at the end of the virtual learning activity detailing the learning outcomes and key competencies to recognize professional and personal development achieved.

    What are the virtual activities policies?

    Commit to Integrity

    As a learner in these virtual activities you are expected to maintain high degrees of professionalism, commitment to active learning and participation in this class, and integrity in your behaviour.

    Academic Dishonesty Policy

    Academic dishonesty includes such things as cheating, inventing false information or citations, plagiarism and helping someone else commit an act of academic dishonesty. It usually involves an attempt by a learner to show possession of a level of knowledge or skill that he/she does not possess.

    Any form of academic dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism, will be the cause of exclusion.

    What organizations teach the activities?

    This interdisciplinary learning activity, framed under the CRESCEnt project (Mind the gap in media CoveRagE and Strategic communication in CasE of security Threats – the development of critical thinking and responsible reaction), co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, addresses the challenge of building awareness and developing resilience to disinformation, fake news, and hostile information influencing campaigns.

    The learning activity is developed in collaboration between: “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy (MVNIA) – Romania, Ciberimaginario Research Group of the University Rey Juan Carlos– Spain, Kentro Meleton Asfaleias (KEMEA), Center For Security Studies – Greece and Ministry of Internal Affairs, Directorate for Information and Public Relations (MAI-DIRP) – Romania.

    Learning activity information

    The learning activity is a result of the CRESCEnt Project. Mind the gap in media CoveRagE a Strategic communication in CasE of security Threats – the development of critical thinking and responsible reaction, and Strategic partnership project within ERASMUS+ Program AGREEMENT NO. – 2018-1-RO01-KA202-049449